Peak Recruitment:

Supporting Clients through the silly season and beyond

The Context

A reputable, national logistics company, facing a sudden increase in volumes for FMCG deliveries for the festive season. In most cases double the volume inbound and outbound, with strict time frames around deliveries to the stores.

The company is under obligation to use the group’s internal service provider but they were unable to source according to the operational requirements. The company had no alternative to go external as their internal resources could not cope, and they were at risk of not delivering timeously. They did not have access to an experienced pool and faced empty shelves in store or empty dinner tables over Christmas for retailers shoppers.

The Solution

stratogo Port Elizabeth’s team have 30 years combined experience in the highly demanding logistics sector, being an expert in NBCRFLI and understanding the peaks and valleys of the industry.

stratogo team immediately responded by addressing the customers’ pain points. They further anticipated the demand from customers in the NBCRFLI and were able to deploy the required teams from their pre-screened, experienced pool of associates within 24 hours.

Thus fully supporting the demands across the warehouse and distribution, not only from an experienced point of view but also the geographical requirements.

Results, Impact & Added Value

Addressing the customer’s immediate challenge to respond to agile and flexible needs, stratogo expertise and experience in the customer’s field ensured the product reached the shelves and consumers timeously for consumers to enjoy the festive season.

In doing so, stratogo succeeded in saving the client’s reputation by reducing the risk of nondeliveries of products to stores, loss of revenue or products and the cost of the failure of internal resources.

Outsourcing, therefore, proved to be a cost-effective solution with no downtime or disruption to the business. stratogo was the solution!

By Celeste Dorfling

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